Recipe Exchange (there will be food!)

We are having a recipe exchange for YW on Tuesday! If you have a family favorite recipe or something you love to make or eat- bring the recipe and some of the food to share. (You don't have to bring food, but it's fun to share!)

Fabric Flowers for our Beautiful Girls!

This Tuesday at the church @ 7:00 we will be making fabric flowers that can go in your hair, on your purse, on a shirt or skirt, anywhere! They are either no-sewing or very little sewing so anyone can make them! We'll bring the supplies you bring your beautiful face and we'll have a blast learning how to do this together! (if there is any specific color you want to make a flower out of please comment on this post by Monday and we'll make sure it's there!

August 17th- THE BEST OF EFY!!!!!!

Yea, we can jump for cheer!
The best of EFY is finally here!
The activity will be so fun,
but not if the girls don't come!
So bring your smile and Sunday dress
and show up ready to be impressed!

The activity is across town so please show up at the church for rides no later than 6:15! We will be leaving right @ 6:15! The best of EFY is a collage of speakers from EFY and will be an incredible experience. They are funny, amazing story tellers, enlightening, spiritual and provide great ways for our youth to understand more about who they are. We hope EVERYONE comes to this activity - it will be one to go down in the books as something to remember!

August 10th Activities

Tuesday August 10th the Young Women will be going with their individual leaders and classes to enjoy working together and learning together. I have it on good authority that all will be enjoying something very YUMMY as part of their activities! We'll kick off the fun night at ward @ 7:00! See you there!