Announcements for Week of June 21st

June 23
Please come to the church at 7:00 pm. We will then be walking over to the park and having fun!
For those who went to Martin's Cove, if you happen to have pictures or a special memory that you are willing to share, please contact Sister Caldwell this week. The Stake is hoping to put together a memory book.
For those going to Girls' Camp, please get your permission slips to Sister Garn ASAP! We need to get a final count of who is going, so that we make sure there are enough things and FOOD for everyone.
Quote for the Week:
"Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Happy Birthday to Kyrie on June 23!
June 16

Come to the church at 7:00 pm and hear about the experiences of those who went to Martin's Cove this past week.


Quote for the Week:

"People come and go, life moves on, and change is inevitable; but it is how we confront the change that is the true test of our courage."

~Written in 2009 by Tanner D., Age 16 --- Utah~

Happy Birthday to:

Jessica P.- June 12

Ami - June 17

Welcome, Ami, to Young Women!